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R. H. Hill

R. H. Hill, Kingston, NY

Photographer: R. H. Hill
Location: Kingston, Ulster County, New York
Year: 1856

"Hill's Colored Daguerreotype Likenesses, Christalotypes, Crayon Pictures, Photographs, Stereoscopes & Chromotints.

THE subscriber would respectfully inform the inhabitants of Kingston, and all those visiting this place that he continues his Gallery in North Front street, in J. D. Wilson's New Brick Building, where he has elegantly fitted up large and spacious rooms with all the improvements of the age, and with the LARGEST SKY-LIGHT between New York and Buffalo. He will always be happy to wait upon those wishing a beautiful and colored Life-Like Miniature.

You are invited to call and examine his Specimens and mode of Operating, and, if suited, to sit for your Likeness. Persons will not be expected to take their Miniatures unless entire satisfaction is given; but if the Likeness is taken from the Room, it will not be exchanged for less than fifty cents. Mr. Hill's long experience in The Daguerrean Art, gives him the fullest confidence that he will be able to please all who favor him with a call. All work done at his establishment warranted fadeless and of the best order. Being permanently located, he is desirous of building up a reputation for Style, Cheapness and Durability.

PRICES – From $1 to $15, according to the size and style of Case or Frame; in Lockets $1. Those having poor Impressions can have them re-taken for 75 cents.

Hill's Christalotypes. – These are a new style of miniatures, and by far excel anything before made in light and shade; they are only to be seen to be admired. Price the same as Daguerreotypes. They are made on pure crystal glass, and are more durable than any other miniature, and no acid will remove or injure them. They are taken in much less time than other pictures, so bring on the children.

Stereoscopes. – These are produced by making two pictures at different angles, and after being placed in a stereoscope case a most wonderful effect is produced, and the subject stands out like life itself.

For Sick or Deceased Persons, A HOUSE or LANDSCAPE, where it is necessary to remove the Apparatus, $5.

GOLD LOCKETS always on hand and for sale Cheap.

Hours for Operating, from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. Children should be brought in between 10 and 3 o'clock.

All Daguerreotypes taken at this Gallery after this date may be re-taken in the natural colors for the mere cost of materials, as soon as the process is made public – the subscriber having secured the exclusive right for Ulster county.

FULL INSTRUCTIONS in the Art, given on reasonable terms, to those wishing to engage in the business.

Hill's Treatise on Daguerreotypes for sale, price $3.

STOCK. – All kinds of Operator's Stock furnished at New York prices.

R. H. HILL, Kingston, May 8, 1856."