Silas D. Wickes, Rondout and Kingston, NY
Photographer: Silas D. Wickes
Location: Rondout and Kingston, Ulster County, New York
Year: 1856
"Improved Ambrotypes, S. D. Wickes, Artist from New York, WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of Rondout and Kingston, that he is prepared to produce the finest style of Ambrotypes taken in this country. The pictures are finished and colored to life.
Mr. W. is prepared to take the Likenesses of Sick and Deceased Persons at their Residences. Also, Children of any age taken in a few seconds. He is enabled to take by his new process Views of Dwellings, Landscapes & Animals in the finest style. A large assortment of fancy CASES, FRAMES and LOCKETS, of the newest styles, and to suit all tastes.
His Rooms are in Abeel st., near Division st., Rondout. Call and examine specimens.
N. B. Pupils taken and taught the New Process on reasonable terms.
August 29th, 1856."